
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Journey Entry 1:

Dear bloggers,

While I have a proper name I'd prefer it if you just call me Weirdo. It's enough that you know I live in Boston, Mass. The whole point of this blog is to record an investigation into the strangeness of this historical town. Why am I weird? Well, I like eating bananas with cheese, I prefer to eat my toast with the butter of the bottom, and I have a collection of Italian rip-offs and exploitation flicks.

Over the last month, there have been bombings, fires, disappearances and vicious murders taking place in a neighborhood called Charleston. The police are baffled, have no leads, and...

...My little sister went missing amongst the chaos. I've got to find her. One thing I've figured out it that these incidents seem to have a certain calling card present. This:
Question: What in the Nine Hells of New Jersey is this?! I've seen tons and tons of buildings in Charleston with this taped, spray-painted, engraved, carved, and whatever onto the side. On top of that, we have guys in all black with these on their faces:

There will be groups of guys with the Tragedy Masks on while the leader will be the wearing the Comedy mask. The police think they're some kind of gang, but they haven't found any leads concerning what kind of operation they're running or who is in charge.

And then there are the incidents:
* People disappearing.
* People going insane.
* Fire bombings on the 26th of Feb. and in which about four buildings with the above symbol were burned to the ground.
* Another fire-bombing on 12th of March. This time the bombings burned down A LOT more buildings and a lot more people were killed.
* My Sister disappeared on the 30th of March.

My Sister:

Alice. She went to work for some guy called Allen Smith. He's a big shot land owner of The Smith Agency. Basically, her job was to help with the upkeep of his properties in Boston (most of which are in Charleston). Oh yeah, he's disappeared, too.
Let's see, that was around last November, I think of the 20th, give a take a day or two, when she started.
Shortly after she started working there, she began acting weird. Weirder than me.
She started having sleeping disorders, kept a nootebook and video camera with her at all times, and claimed she was being stalked by some businessman.
She even showed me a pictured. He looks like Jack Skeleton but she forget to add his face. Then a few days ago, she just vanished. I've called and the police and filed a report, but no one can find her.

I think there's a connectioned between the weird-ass stuff that's been going down in Charleston and her disappearance. The cops have been utterly worthless in figuring out the mystery, so I'm going to take matters into my own hands.

In conclusion, what made me start this blog is the hopes that someone who knows what's going on will read. And hopefully you can figure this last tidbit out. This morning, I got a a letter in the mail. No return address, but it had this message in it:

When you Dream of Darkness,
You need only to Seek Truth.
Some Doors Are Best Left Unopened,
Can you catch A Hint of Serendipity.
Or will it be White Elephants,
Or perhaps Para Bellum.
Enter The Ruins,
But not with Living in the Light.

If anyone ha any idea what the hell this means, tell me.

Sining out.

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